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Energy Storage & Grid Integration

Network Security

Protecting sensitive customer and utility data BY JOHN CHOWDHURY, Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Smart meters, and the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) on which they depend, collect and transport vast amounts of data. While the data provides more precise energy billing, as well as...

Smart Grid Network Best Practices

The Smart Grid is changing the way utilities generate, manage, and deliver electricity. The benefits are numerous as Smart Grid technologies help utilities save time, money, resources and improve customer service. If on the verge of Smart Grid innovation, electric utilities should follow the...

Renewable Energy Job Creation Is a Better Bet Than Coal

When it comes to renewable energy job creation, the Trump administration would do well to take a fresh look at clean energy rather than focusing only on fossil fuels. The solar power sector employed twice as many workers in 2016 than power generation from coal, gas and oil combined, according to a...

Energy Storage & Grid Integration

Integrating Renewables

Turning green generation into power


A grid system’s difficulty in absorbing variable generation can present an obstacle to the growth of renewable power, especially when continued improvements in infrastructure and market design are absent. There are many steps, however, that can ease the process, from better resource forecasting to improved grid flexibility.
High-quality renewable resource forecasting is a significant prerequisite for integrating variable generation into the power...

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Renewable Energy Job Creation

Renewable Energy Job Creation Is a Better Bet Than Coal

When it comes to renewable energy job creation, the Trump administration would do well to take a fresh look at clean energy rather than focusing only on fossil fuels. The solar power sector employed twice as many workers in 2016 than power generation from coal, gas and oil combined, according to a...

Smart Grid


The electrical grid in the United States comprises all of the power plants generating electricity, together with the transmission and distribution lines and systems that bring power to end-use customers. The “grid” also connects the many publicly and privately owned electric utility and power...

Renewable Realities

Heavy incentives for small-scale distributed generation are floating around parts of Canada—and are growing globally. With large-scale generation becoming harder to build and having longer lead times, even utilities are looking favorably on small-scale distributed generation, such as residential...

Smart Grid Technologies and Implementation

Advances in information and communication technology (ICT) have been utilized over the year by utility industry in order to improve power quality, reliability, efficiency and security. Growing concern for environment, increasing complexity in managing convectional grid, energy sustainability and...

Smart Grid


The electrical grid in the United States comprises all of the power plants generating electricity, together with the transmission and distribution lines and systems that bring power to end-use customers. The “grid” also connects the many publicly and privately owned electric utility and power...

Renewable Energy Job Creation

Renewable Energy Job Creation Is a Better Bet Than Coal

When it comes to renewable energy job creation, the Trump administration would do well to take a fresh look at clean energy rather than focusing only on fossil fuels. The solar power sector employed twice as many workers in 2016 than power generation from coal, gas and oil combined, according to a...

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