Grounding & Protection
The End of the Road for Transmission Incentives
The Guide to IEEE Utility Safety Standards
Grounding & Protection
Worker Safety Using Infrared
Infrared safety: using thermal technologies to protect workers
Disconnect switches, elbow connectors, cutouts, lightning arrestors, oil-filled circuit breakers, and other electrical components tend to heat up before they fail. The ability to detect overheating on such equipment long before it becomes critical is essential for preventing costly unplanned outages and for protecting workers from exposure to potential arc flashes and faults. The experienced and well-trained know it’s crucial to heed...
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The Guide to IEEE Utility Safety Standards
A comprehensive review of IEEE guidelines and documents BY JIM TOMASESKI, IEEE, NESC Main Committee, PAR Electric Every day, utility workers are risking their lives in work environments that involve high-risk activities such as working at extreme heights, managing or repairing energized...
Proper Inspection of Grounds and Jumpers is a Well Grounded Practice
Taking care of your grounds and jumpers A lineman’s ground and jumper cables look and feel like they’re built to last forever, but looks can be deceiving. They get tossed in the truck, dropped in the mud, left hanging in the rain, and generally overlooked. With everyday use, we start...
Electric Utility System Standards
How Ontario regulation can improve electrical safety BY BILL KHASHFE, London Hydro According to an Ontario Electrical Safety Report, 35 percent of the province’s electrical-related fatalities in the past 10 years were attributed to power-line contact. Equipment specifications and electric utility...
Safety Awareness Rules for Utilities
Utilities ready for Ontario health and safety awareness training BY PHILL FELTHAM, Editor-in-Chief Electricity Today Magazine The Government of Ontario has implemented new regulations that require mandatory basic occupational health and safety training. The new regulations, “Occupational Health...
The End of the Road for Transmission Incentives
In a significant shift, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has decided to abandon its transmission incentives policy, particularly the construction work in progress (CWIP) incentives. This decision marks a pivotal change in how transmission projects are financed and regulated,...
Grounding System Testing: Simplified Fall-Of-Potential And Step-And-Touch Voltage Testing
Verifying the functionality and integrity of a grounding system is critical to maintaining a safe workspace. Unfortunately, the tests used to achieve this goal, as well as the standards used to assess them, have required a specialized skillset, often leaving these tests done improperly or not at...
Grounding Electrodes
For years, manufacturers of ground rods have strived to develop technical specifications for the electrical industry which address the specific needs and applications of clients and endusers alike. One reason for stressing the importance of this was to assure that the customer would receive what...
Proper Inspection of Grounds and Jumpers is a Well Grounded Practice
Taking care of your grounds and jumpers A lineman’s ground and jumper cables look and feel like they’re built to last forever, but looks can be deceiving. They get tossed in the truck, dropped in the mud, left hanging in the rain, and generally overlooked. With everyday use, we start...
Electrical Lineman Safety Equipment - Tools of the Trade
When working in close proximity to exposed energized equipment or working on live electrical circuits, it’s necessary to protect not only the equipment being worked on but also the worker. Rubber insulating gloves and insulated hand tools are vital components of a successful PPE system and...
Lineman Safety during a Wildfire
If you wanted to create a recipe for disaster, the beginning of the 2021 wildfire season would be a good place to start. Nearly 90% of the western U.S. is suffering through extreme drought. The snowpack set new low levels there as well. A record-breaking heatwave steamrolled the Pacific Northwest...