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Outage Management & Restoration

Emergency Response Kitting

Equipping utilities to restore power quickly and efficiently BY JOE D’ORAZIO, HD Supply Power Solutions In the days before Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast of the United States, knocking out power from North Carolina to Maine and as far inland as Western Pennsylvania, utility contractors were...

Fighting Wildfires to Increase Pole Protection

Evaluating pole selection for increased protection BY BUTCH BERNHARDT, North American Wood Pole Council The number of wildland fires reached record levels in many states in 2014, prompting questions about what poles perform more efficiently in fires: steel or wood. Research from a bulletin...

Q&A: PSE&G Reflects on Hurricane Sandy

Q: Reflecting back at Hurricane Sandy two years ago, what steps did PSE&G take to restore power? What were the lessons learned? OUR EXPERT | Richard Wernsing, Manager of Asset Strategy, Electric at Public Service Electric and Gas (PSE&G) Prior to any storm, PSE&G (Public Service...

Outage Management & Restoration

non-flammable aerosol fluid


Same day switching avoids the extended outages and human and equipment costs associated with inoperable and broken switches.
The vast majority of air break disconnect and ground switches in electric power networks typically receive no appreciable maintenance. This invariably results in the inability to operate switches when needed. A pretreatment method is now available that is safe to use on energized switches. It consists of a remote radio-controlled hot stick tool and a non-flammable aerosol...

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Q&A: PSE&G Reflects on Hurricane Sandy

Q: Reflecting back at Hurricane Sandy two years ago, what steps did PSE&G take to restore power? What were the lessons learned? OUR EXPERT | Richard Wernsing, Manager of Asset Strategy, Electric at Public Service Electric and Gas (PSE&G) Prior to any storm, PSE&G (Public Service...

Evolution of Outage Management Systems

Examining the evolution of outage management systems BY GERALD GRAY & JOHN SIMMINS, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Once again, a major storm event, in this case Hurricane Sandy, has brought increased attention to a utility’s capability to respond to and mitigate damage to its...

Outage Management Review: When the Lights Go Out

The occurrence of severe weather events is on the rise at an alarming rate. According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, extreme weather events that used to happen once every 40 years now occur as frequently as every six years in some regions; severe weather is expected to become even more frequent...

wildlife contact prevention

Preventing Losses Due to Wildlife Contacts in Electrical Substations

Intrusion of wildlife into electric substations is a problem experienced by electric utilities worldwide. In the United States, substation outages caused by wildlife contacts create a financial impact of approximately $20 to $30 billion annually based upon recent EPRI research. This impact is the...


ArmorBuiltTM Wildfire Shield Proven Protection for Utility Poles

IntroductionIn November of 2018, the deadliest, most destructive wildfire in California history burned a total of 240 square miles, destroyed 18,804 structures and resulted in 85 civilian fatalities. Known as the Camp Fire, it devastated several communities including the towns of Paradise and...

substation transformers view

The Fight Against Animal-Caused Power Outages

Every day across the country, animals enter substations for warmth, food, security, or simply out of curiosity. In many areas, wildlife intruding into power equipment has become the #1 cause of outages, according to a report from the American Public Power Association (APPA) – even...

wildlife contact prevention

Preventing Losses Due to Wildlife Contacts in Electrical Substations

Intrusion of wildlife into electric substations is a problem experienced by electric utilities worldwide. In the United States, substation outages caused by wildlife contacts create a financial impact of approximately $20 to $30 billion annually based upon recent EPRI research. This impact is the...

TransGard Laser Bird Defense


Birds wreak havoc at hundreds of substations every year, undermining system reliability and costing millions. Bird incursions can have disastrous results: equipment damage, outages and expensive cleanups due to corrosive droppings.Even worse: the traditional deterrents provide only temporary,...

non-flammable aerosol fluid


Same day switching avoids the extended outages and human and equipment costs associated with inoperable and broken switches.The vast majority of air break disconnect and ground switches in electric power networks typically receive no appreciable maintenance. This invariably results in the inability...

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